Ihr Ferien-Resort in St. Jakob im Defereggental, Osttirol
• Familie Heinzle

Unterrotte 60 | A-9963 St. Jakob i. D.

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Be allergy-free, take a deep, healthy breath here in Defereggental, where we guarantee a holiday...

Im Defereggen eröffnete 2015 ein außergewöhnlicher 9-Loch-Par-3 Golfkurs – inmitten der...

The "House of Water" is an education center in East Tyrol belonging to Hohe Tauern National Park....

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Allergy-free in Defereggental

Be allergy-free, take a deep, healthy breath here in Defereggental, where we guarantee a holiday without any coughing, sniffling or itching!

Dust mites don't exist in Defereggental 
Mildew is only in very low concentrations 
Flower pollen "flies" at different times

Your vacation, the most wonderful and precious time of the year - 
and you couldn't have chosen anywhere better than here with us. 
There is so much to discover, and no reason to stay at home!

Take a hike in Hohe Tauern National Park,
discover pristine countryside,
enjoy the sunshine in the mountains of Defereggental,
or simply unwind.